Pre-IPO Information Memorandum

NOTE: Due to a significant technical fault on the server of Qponics’ webhost, the Qponics website including this page was at least partially inaccessible from 28 June to 11 July 2018.

As at 9 July, this page was still not functioning correctly, so we have set up a download directly from the Qponics server.

The information contained in this Document has been prepared to aid Recipients evaluating Qponics and does not purport to be all inclusive or to contain all of the information that interested investors may require prior to subscribing for shares.  In all cases, Recipients should conduct their own investigation and analysis of the information set forth in this Document.

Although due care and diligence has been taken in the preparation of this Document by the Company, the Directors, Officers or employees of Qponics, the University of Queensland and Nutrition Care Pharmaceuticals do not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information in this Document.  None of the abovementioned shall have any liability for any information or representations, expressed or implied, contained in, or in any omissions from, this Document or any other written or oral communications transmitted to the Recipient in the course of the Recipient’s evaluation.

This Document is not, and should not be construed as, a recommendation or offer by Qponics or its Directors or Officers to invest in the Company.  The Recipients should make their own independent evaluation of the opportunity and/or the relevance and adequacy of the information contained herein and should make such investigations as they deem necessary to determine whether or not to invest.  The Law in or from certain jurisdictions may restrict the distribution or possession of this Document.  Persons into whose possession this Document comes are required by Qponics to inform themselves of and to observe such restrictions.  Neither Qponics nor its Directors accept any liability to any person in relation to the distribution or possession of this Document in or from any jurisdiction.

Download the Qponics Pre-IPO Information Memorandum dated 26 June 2018 from the Qponics server here

OR: email your request for a copy of the Pre-IPO Information Memorandum dated 26 June 2018 to: [email protected] 


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